Wherever light falls..: working stills

working stills

My sincere Thanks to all those who gave feedback and comments on my blog.

" One Picture is worth a Thousand words "
I Hope you like my pictures. Kindly leave your comments under the posts or drop a mail to 'mahesh22babu@gmail.com'. Here, in this page added some unshown pics and my working stills.

Thanx for visiting :)  ,Tc..       

Click on Post name to visit the photo i posted.
Post name: Leafless Tree

Post name: Cloud Bear

Post name:  Fresh Fish

Post name: CD Rainbow

Post name: Help in Need

 Post name: Symmetry
 Post name: Skyscraper
post name: Lord Buddha

Post name: Tomato fruit

Post name:  School zone

  Post name: Paddy field

  Post name: Hanuman 

  Post name: Innocent plant

 Post name: Car surgery

Post name: Rain stop

Post name:  Angry kid

Post name:  Sun set

Post name:  Tree texture

Post name: My Friend

Post name:  3D photograph

 Post name:  10:10:10:10:10:10

Post name:  My Shadow

Post name: Fisherman
Post name: Fresh blood

Post name: Oil vs Water

Post name:  3-Candles

Post name:  Ghost tree

Post name: Aloe vera flower

Post name: adieu SUN

Post name:  Not a factory

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