Wherever light falls..: Fresh blood

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fresh blood

"Fresh blood of future engineers"

1.4 lakhs  of andhrapradesh  students began the most beautiful part of their life.., B Tech.
ragging,.. labs viva,.. mass bunks,.. night-outs,.. B'day bumps,.. crushes,.. batting,..  what not.! Its just like living the whole life in 4 years.

i miss those moments.

pic captured:
with : nokia 5130
date :5-oct-2010
time: 8:58
from bus window while traveling home

1 comment:

  1. thought of writing a lot but .. closing in a few lines......
    spent 4 gloomy years there........
    and stepped out of that college how i stepped in ........
    but missed my friends......who r the only reason for having few sweet memories.....
