Wherever light falls..: September 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Not a factory

Not a Factory.. its Repalle railway station.

Seems the Electronic Time display is malfunctioning naa.. but its Not..! it’ll have a micro-controller that continuously switches on/off the red LED lights at a high frequency, making our human eye feel that it’s a complete digit. As the frequency of my cam’s microcontroller is also high, it captured the instantaneous image in which not all LED’s are glown.

Make a try with your cell cam when you wait in Rly station.

Pic taken:
with: nokia 5130 (2MP)
Date: 27-sep-2010
Time: 16:02

My first Post

- The first digit we started learning with…
- The position each and everybody of us are trying to achieve..

But how come this No.1 post of mine is gonna be buried under all my future posts..!
U wonder..?
Do not.! Its aging process.. not even you and me can Escape.
Enjoy the ‘present’ gifted to you.